Monday, December 14, 2015

It's a...


So two weeks ago I went home for thanksgiving on Tuesday. Before I left Mobile I had bought everything blue and pink for the gender reveal party (secretly hoping that I would be able to return all things blue). On Wednesday morning they had their appointment to find out the gender so Hillary took an envelope and had them place the ultrasound inside and seal it up. She then (without ever taking a peep inside) brought it over to me. To say that this was an honor is a huge understatement. I was so excited to be in on this huge secret for the day!
I was 110% sure that when I opened this envelope it was going to say "boy". SOOO glad I was wrong!! I wish someone could have videoed my reaction.. running around the yard jumping up and down like a crazy person any normal excited aunt would do. Inside the envelope was a piece of paper that said "It's a girl!" (with a heart), the ultrasound, and a CD. So sweet! 

So, off I go into the back yard to fill the ball with pink powder and decorate it like a baseball. During this process my hands are still shaking from excitement so I spill some of the pink powder on the ground and end up just sprinkling some blue also to cover my tracks. Hillary told me later that when they did the trial run, they did it over the sink and just washed it down... but at that moment, I guess I wasn't really thinking straight and just thought the yard was most appropriate LOL.

This day went by soooo slow... I was so excited for Hillary and Tyler to find out! I literally saw my sister like 4 times that day, my mom once, and this was my text conversation with Tyler...
I knew I couldn't see him before, or I probably would have spilled the beans. I do take pride in the poker face that I wore most of the day, though ;)

Okay, so then it was off to Andalusia to decorate and get the food ready for that night. 
(P.S. The following pictures were taken by Amy Nichols and Jessica)

 This was set up on a table right outside the gate at the baseball field

(I had already pre-planned that I was going to choose a bow no matter what because we needed to take a picture for the Christmas card)

Right before the big reveal! I knew they were going to be SO EXCITED!! ;)


So excited that I am going to be "Aunt Hay" to a sweet baby girl!!!
Allyson Grace Dent is already so loved and I can't wait to meet her in April!! ;)

"I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him."
1 Samuel 1:27

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Life Lately... (with some exciting news!)

Last time I posted was a recap of our summer vacation. A lot has gone on already this semester and I wanted to post some pictures and "catch up" before the holidays!

I think I should begin with the most exciting thing in my life right now (as if you can't tell by the pictures)... my sister is PREGNANT! 
This is such an answered prayer and we are all SO SO EXCITED!!!
These pictures are from the day they told us they were expecting (August 16, 2015)

They will be finding out the gender the day before Thanksgiving and I'm so happy that I will be at home that week to celebrate baby Dent!

Cannot wait to meet this sweet baby in April! #auntHay

 That following week I started my 4th semester of OT school and we had a welcome party for the MS1 class. So much fun!

{My 'little' for OT school}

Class of 2016

Mobile opened up an indoor mini golf downtown so we went to check it out one weekend.. It's pretty small but we still had a good time ;) 
Another excited thing that has happened this semester was Anthony getting a job here.. it's so nice to be able to spend my days with him. I definitely don't take it for granted!

Kicking off Auburn football season at Jess and Cody's with family and friends :)

{sweet baby Manning}

First home game of the season.. War Eagle!

 The next couple of pictures are from a weekend at home. We went to the Opp game Friday night and then the OMS beauty pageant on Saturday afternoon. Anna Kate won 5th grade beauty and Karley won 8th grade beauty. Such pretty girls.. on the inside and out!

 Volunteering at Thomas Hospital Fall Festival in Fairhope

We had a halloween party the weekend before halloween with the OT classes 
A deer and her hunter... pretty fitting for my guy

At school the following week we had a luncheon for the PT students and faculty since October was 'PT Month'
We decided to be the Peter Pan clan 

Janna's costume was by far my favorite... and I actually looked more like Flavor Flav than Tick Tock Croc


For halloween we dressed up as AU fans and spent the day cheering on the tigers

 More pictures from school this semester... 

This was my fieldwork project for home health... Glad I can put An to work on something ;)
(I did the buying and painting though... he just constructed it)

Looking forward to a short school week and some cooler weather! 

"For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him"
John 3:17