Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Hello again!
I just realized that the title of my last post was "Welcome Summer"! :(
At that time, taking four online classes, I thought that the summer would drag on but here we are very close to the end and A LOT has happened since my last post!!
So what's been going on in my life?
Here we go... 

1) My 19th Birthday

2) Vacation Bible School

3) World Changers

4) Disney World

By now I'm sure you have noticed that there is a new somebody in several of my pictures..
Trey and I dated my senior year and split soon after I started at LBW. Although I have never mentioned it before on this blog, my first year in college was a rough one. The Lord revealed to me things that I had never realized before and looking back I am thankful for the year that I had. Honestly, I never imagined that I would be dating Trey when I moved for college but the Lord had other plans and we both feel like this is where He wants us right now.



Thank you for the example you are to me. You are a blessing to me and I am so thankful for you!
I love you!

** Please be praying for me as I move and make this new change in my life**

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Psalm 139:14


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you!! Looks like you have a new adventure every day! Hope you are enjoying it!!

  2. Hey you haven't blogged lately :)!!
