Monday, April 28, 2014

Day by day with Hay :)

Life is crazy busy right now, and I just need summer!
I had planned on blogging about Amber's bachelorette weekend (actually started that one), bridal luncheon, and her wedding. 

I am going to try to make this short and sweet with a lot of pictures because I must start studying!

Amber's Bachelorette Weekend

The weekend before the cruise, we had Amber's bachelorette party in Gulf Shores. I had planned on posting about it that following week but got too busy and never did. I want to write about it because I don't want to forget any of it. I had such a fun weekend... and there was lots of laughing involved. 

I had a doctor's appointment that Friday afternoon in Mobile so Jess and I decided that we would go eat somewhere and go to the mall and shop for a little while to give everyone else time to get to Gulf Shores (from Opp and Auburn) since it would only take us about 45 minutes to get there... according to map quest. So around maybe 9ish we headed towards Gulf Shores. We had been driving for around thirty minutes when Jess realized that we were about to have to get on the ferry to cross over the water from Dauphin Island to Gulf Shores. To say that we were excited about putting our car on a ferry is an understatement (poor small town girls). Anyway, here we are just cruising along talking about how fun it's going to be and how we are going to get out of the car and take pictures... blah, blah, blah. We arrive at the sight of the ferry only to see that it stops running around 4 PM. So here we are, two lost girls... one gun... one car... two cell phones... and THIRTY SIX Krispy Kreme donuts. 
(this story was one those "you had to be there" moments)

At this point we start back in the other direction to Mobile and go all the way back to Mobile pretty much to get on the interstate. It was like 11:00 at this point. So, we finally get going in the right direction and arrive at the beach house somewhere around midnight or a little after. We start toward the only house with lights on (assuming it was where we were supposed to go) and it was literally like we were driving on the beach. We had already had such an adventurous night that I looked over and told Jess that if we got stuck, we were getting our stuff out and walking to the house with the lights on. We kept driving and got almost to the driveway (because it was obvious that we had made our own) and she looks over at me  and says "I'm pretty sure we are stuck.. my tires are spinning". I lost it. Completely. I was laughing hysterically so I called Hillary and all the girls came out and we picked up the front end of the car and finally got it out of the sand. Never a dull moment...

We played some games and then went to bed because it was already pretty late. The next morning we got up and ate donuts and chocolate milk on the balcony and had Amber's lingerie party.

We got ready for the day and went shopping at the outlets in Foley and to eat at the Shrimp Basket.

Okay, so my sister is a huge fan of the TV show Friends. So we order our Starbucks and when the cashier asked her for her name this is what she responded with. I was pretty much in awe and speechless at the moment because it was so unexpected but she thought she was hilarious and I guess I have to admit that it was pretty funny and I never really know what is going to come out of her mouth. 

That night we went to Tacky Jack's to sing karaoke and then back home to sit around and chit chat.. I mean what else are girls good at?

It was a pretty eventful weekend. But it didn't stop there. I woke up early Sunday morning because I wasn't feeling well and needed some water. So, I went downstairs to the kitchen and when I pulled a glass from the cabinet I didn't realize they were stacked and boom... shattered it all over the kitchen floor. 
It was a very fun weekend and I enjoyed spending time with Amber and her bridesmaids!

Amber's Bridal Luncheon
The weekend we got back from the cruise I went home for Amber's bridal luncheon. We had lunch and  there was a photo booth so we played dress up and took tons of pictures.

Our table (of course the loudest because they wouldn't stop making me laugh)

Me and the bride-to-be :)

Sista, sista!

Most likely laughing at Rachel for something.. pretty sure her dress was unzipped and I was pointing it out to Amber. Sorry, Rach! We really do love you!! 

My sweet AU friends that I don't see nearly enough!!

So, this picture pretty much cracks me up. I'll just save it for my husband and he can put it on his night stand someday... :)

Another fun day with Amber and her bridesmaids!

Amber's Wedding
The next weekend was the wedding. Amber and Justin got married and the Methodist church in Opp and everything was beautiful. Amber was such a calm bride and it made for a fun day! 

Mom came to take pictures while we were getting ready. These are her BFFs.

Clean teeth are always a good thing :)

I had strict instructions by Jan to feed her and not let her feed herself.. 

It was a beautiful wedding and I pray that their marriage always brings glory to our Father! Love you both and thank you for letting me be a part of your day!

She's next ;)


The following week I had a minor surgery: laparoscopy and cystoscopy. Mom and Ander both came down here for the surgery and took care of me. The only thing I learned from the surgery is not to ever take percocet again because it makes me feel disconnected from my body and causes me to be mean to my best friends who I love dearly!

Sweet, sweet Anthony sent me these flowers :)
When I got home from the hospital that day I kept telling them that he was on his way and that they needed to call him and check on him because he was driving (he was not coming and they kept telling me that). I insisted that they call him so Jess finally gave in and let me talk to him and then after that I was fine. Mom and Ander got some good laughs from the things I did and said for a few days. :)

Holt's Senior Prom 
Holt's prom was the weekend of April 11th so I went home for that and then went to Auburn for the rest of the weekend. 

After the lead out I went to Auburn. Saturday Rachel and I went and had lunch together at the Big Blue Bagel and then went to the flea market. That night Anthony cooked for me and then Rachel and I went downtown and got fro yo and "people watched". Interesting is the only word I have for that. I didn't take many pictures that weekend but here's what I do have. 

Easter Weekend 

I love how he is pulling away in these next three pictures but still has a smile on his face. He really does love us :)

Westview performed "Bow the Knee" that weekend so we went Sunday night and I took all of the girls. When we pulled up to the church Caroline started screaming "There's God!!". With a straight face Emmy looked at her and said "No Caroline, you can't see God. He is everywhere but we can't see Him".  Although that was pretty cute and made me life, my heart just about explodes when I hear them talk about the Lord. I am so thankful for both of their parents for raising them both in Godly homes! It is never too early to start learning! 
Love my girls and I am ready to be home for the summer where I can spend more time with them!

Holt Baseball 
Opp Varsity won their area and hosted the first round of the playoffs against Bayside Academy. They won that series and advanced to the second round. This past weekend we played in T.R. Miller and won both games on Friday which advanced them to the third round. This weekend they will be hosting Sipsey Valley hopefully for two more wins on Friday!! I'm so proud of my brother and his team!! Go Bobcats!!

I am also doing the 100 Happy Day challenge and I am enjoying it so much! It has challenged me to find something "happy" in each day! I am a believer in the thought that we wake up every morning and choose our attitude for the day. I think that finding joy in each day helps me have a positive attitude. Hopefully each week I will be able to post my #daybydaywithHay pictures for that week. :)
Day 1. Love long weekends at home!

Day 2. This day was my Momma's birthday.

Day 3. This was my last paper as an undergraduate. Now, that's something to be happy about :)

Day 4. I love Hobby Lobby and somedays I will just go get a coffee and walk around the entire store and never pick up anything 

Day 5. Love getting snapchats from this precious girl! She is so kind and has the biggest heart!

Day 6. Saturday afternoon spent at the pool with my BFF

Day 7. Sunday afternoon was Hillary's church shower. Won't be long until she is a married woman!

This post is longer than I expected and I have procrastinated for way too long! Time to study and finish up the semester! Only two classes, one test, and four finals to go and I will be graduating from the University of South Alabama!! :)

Hope everyone has a great week!! :)

"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another."
John 13:34

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