Monday, August 4, 2014


"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

While I know that every word in the Bible is complete TRUTH, there was a point in my life when I had a hard time believing this one. When I was nineteen years old and in only my second year of college I applied for graduate school. South has an advanced undergrad acceptance and it allows you to be accepted a year early and count your first year of grad school as your senior year. Long story short, the GRE was almost the death of me (and if it wouldn't have been for my mothers encouragement and willingness to pay for me to keep taking it I probably would have given up). After finally getting the score to apply, I did. I used my home address on the application so my letter got sent there. Bless my mothers heart, she was the one who had to call and tell me that I didn't get it. I was devastated and didn't really understand how this could be a "good" thing. I felt defeated when it really wasn't a big deal at all. 

Fast forward to the present and now I can see how so many great things have been a result of me not getting in as an advanced undergrad. I was able to meet some great new friends through my psychology courses my senior year (year three), I got involved with a wonderful church at met some pretty great people, I was able to be home all summer and spend time with my sister during her last days as a Hall, I was able to help decorate and clean up from the wedding, I've been able to enjoy a break from school before picking back up, and I have been blessed to grow in my relationship with this sweet guy... 

So, for the next two weeks I will be enjoying my last few days of summer and looking forward to what all the Lord has planned for the next chapter in my life. Two weeks from today I will be sitting in a classroom and I hope that when the days get tough and I feel like giving up, I will remember the feelings that I had the day I got my acceptance letter. Thankful that the Lord's timing is always perfect!

I finally finished up my 100 Happy Day's challenge.. 

Day 80. Happy 9th Birthday to this cutie!!

Day 81. Juicy steaks for dinner :)

 Day 82. Birthday present from Jess. Love it! War Eagle!

 Day 83. Jess said yes to the dress!!!

 Day 84. Bob and "An" working on the light fixture

 Day 86. Holt dragging a bulldog with a leash around the yard. I got a good laugh from this one...

 Day 87. Cute little lunch date :)

 Day 88. Filling up on some mexican after a date at the gym 

 Day 89. Frozen yogurt on a hot summer day with these pretty girls

 Day 89. I have a sweet sister. We were in Young's helping her pick out stuff for her house and I was going to buy these but decided not to. I left before she did and she brought them home to me. fweet!

 Day 91. VBS week.. making play-doh butterflies

 Glad I also got to see this sweet friend!

 Day 92. Summer sleepover!!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these girls!

 Day 93. Cute girls at VBS

 Day 94. Morning walks.. I'm going to miss this sweet face

 Day 95. Last night of VBS

Day 96. Boiled peanuts on a hot summer day 

 Day 97. My boyfriend knows the way to my heart :)

 Day 98. I've started watching flea market flip this summer and I love it

Day 99. Summer head cold and the bachelorette finale 

 Day 100. Thankful to be from a small town and glad I have been able to spend my summer here with the people that I  love most :)

Lots of things to look forward to in the coming days! 

26 days until kickoff... War Eagle!!! 

Hope everyone has a great day and enjoys the rest of their summer!!!

  "but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us"
Romans 5:8

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