Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Happy Birthday Emmy!!

I cannot believe this girl is five years old today! I couldn't fit enough pictures on Instagram and I am trying to start blogging again so why not a whole post on Emmy? After all, I am "snowed in" for another day :)

 So our relationship started way back when... I cheered for Lorrie so Anna Kate and Emmy were both just part of my everyday life since they were always at practice with us. This picture is from the cheerleading party my Sophomore year.

This picture literally makes me LOL.. This was my graduation night and she was so tired and didn't want much to do with me. HAHA!

But I quickly became her favorite person... 

For about two years of my life, The Lord used this precious child to help me get through several different trials. If I ever had a bad day I just called Lorrie, went over to their house, and held Emmy. On my way back to Mobile early Sunday morning (the day after her birthday party) I was driving and thinking about her and completely lost it. I cried for a solid thirty minutes. I know it seems silly, but I literally do not know how I ever would have made it through that time of my life without her. The Lord provides. So, here comes a picture overload of just random pictures from that time until now. 

I was supposed to be studying for a final... but chose this instead!

One of my favorite pictures of us. Love me a naked baby!! :)

Miss the days were I could just go pick her up from daycare :(

A huge mess but it's the memories that count!

This seriously cracks me up!!

I weekend at the beach before Christmas to shop! The video is of Emmy getting her ears pierced. She was so excited and wanted them done so bad!! I know it looks like torture but I am so glad we have the video!

A random date to Papa G's with my girl!

Just a few pictures from our many trips to get ice cream!

Cutest little AU cheerleader I've ever seen! War Eagle!

Football Friday's with my girls! 

So it was actually Anna Kate's birthday but I bought Emmy this pink tank top where she would have something too. I've never seen a child so happy to receive clothes as a gift in my whole life. She was so excited over this tank top and wore it the entire afternoon until I made her put back on her cheer uniform to go to the game. 

Selfie that I found on my phone. LOL

Shopping trip right before Christmas one year :)

Many beach and pool days. Please don't miss the video! It is one of my absolute favorites!!!

Movie night complete with a stop for frozen yogurt!

Vacation Bible School fun! This is also one of my favorite pictures :)

4th Birthday party!! 

These pictures were taken a couple of days before I left for college. We spent the day playing at the dream park, grabbing a few last minute things at Walmart, and eating at Papa Gs :)

They finally made it to Mobile this summer and I think it's safe to say that we all had a blast!! 
We spent time at the pool and went to the Battleship Parkway to see the fireworks for the 4th! 

She joined me for breakfast on the balcony :)

Love that through technology I can still keep up with what's going on in Opp! :)

Dance Recital 

Christmas shopping this year. She was so proud of her new ring!

Hanging out and having fun right before I came back to start this semester

And now she's five years up and growing way too fast!! 
I love her so much and hope that she will always know it!!

I will end with this cute video of her singing "Call Me Maybe"
I'm sure you can all agree with me that she's pretty cute!

I love you, Emmy!! Hope you have had a great 5th birthday! 
You are so smart and one of the sweetest children I know! 

"Train up a child in the way he should go;
    even when he is old he will not depart from it"
Proverbs 22:6

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